BHS Careers

Welcome to Belmont High Careers. Our Careers Department is proud to provide students with the latest information about decisions regarding their future career and life beyond school.
Mrs Natalie Hilder- Career and Transition Advisor
Mrs Sophie Hirst - Senior Learning Co-ordinator
Mrs Karen Newman - Head Teacher Wellbeing
Mrs Patricia Dybell - NESA Coordinator
Mrs Kristie Dunne - Careers Administration
Belmont High Careers Department offer a range of programs and services including:
Year 10 - Career Classes
Belmont High students from Year 10 will participate in fortnightly Career Education lessons which aim to partner career development and student well-being by creating educational pathways to prepare students for the future.
Lesson content exploring;
· The World of Work
· Skills and interests testing
· Goal setting
· Work readiness
· Work place learning and experience
· All about the HSC
· SBAT, TAFE and Apprenticeships
· Subject selection
· Resume’ writing
· Interview techniques
· Workplace Health and Safety
· Computer Skills - digital literacy
· Workplace literacy and numeracy
Career Courses
Students can gain valuable skills along with building their career portfolio which are fantastic for their resume’. The school encourages students to get qualified by attending nationally recognised courses.
Courses include:
- Construction Safety Course (White Card)
- Provide First Aid and CPR Course
- Barista Course
- RSA and RCG Course
Career Services
Throughout the year students are supported by the Career Advisor to gain casual work by booking in for assistance with writing resumes’, applications, cover letters and preparing for job interviews. Students in Year 10 participate in the school Work Experience Program. Year 11 students participate in the Future Direction interviews while Year 12 complete their EXIT plans.
Providing students with information about subject selection and further training at University or TAFE after the completion of Year 10 and Higher School Certificate continues to be an important part of all our career programs. There are plenty of programs that are offered for our students here at BHS.
Along with lessons and courses, the Career department offers a range of services, such as;
· Careers counselling which includes appropriate subject selection, matching student's interests to appropriate careers and supporting students decision making
· Career pathway support such as resume’ writing, interview and presentation skills
· Access to service providers and potential employers, for information on employment requirements
· Conducting careers excursions
· Guest speakers and school incursions
· Involvement in community programs
· Work experience organisation with local businesses and community partners
· Career workshops - The aim of these is to raise awareness about the diversity of employment opportunities so that younger students start investigating employment possibilities
· Support of students undertaking School Based Traineeships and industry scholarships. These students have paid on-the-job experience and complete an industry related TAFE credential
· Organisation and support for the TVET programs. Year 11 and 12 students can attend TAFE and complete these courses as part of their Preliminary or HSC program. The TAFE competencies they gain may help them with either a future career or further TAFE training after the HSC.
· Transition Programs which enable students to participate in community programs to build confidence and employability skills.
Students are welcome to drop in and make an appointment at any time. Parents can contact us if they have questions or concerns.
Mrs Hilder