Careers Adviser - Mrs Natalie Hilder
The Careers department offers assistance with a range of different educational and employment programs.
At Belmont High School we aim to prepare our students for future transitions and challenges. Our objective is to provide students with quality accessible career information. Our Careers website intends to give students unlimited access to appropriate career education. Belmont High Careers can be found at www.belmonthighcareers.com.au
The website provides a wealth of important information from post school options to work place learning. Students can create an online account where they can login to completed career tests, resume', cover letters and a career plan. There is a wide-range of resources for both student and parental use.
Belmont High School has an innovative Career Education program for students. Our Career program aims to encourage students to be actively thinking and generating future pathways. The 21st century is a dynamic, evolving environment. Students need to have comprehensive transferable skills which will adequately prepare and create opportunity for future success.
Belmont High students in Year 10 participate in fortnightly Career Education lessons. These lessons aim to partner career education, career development and student wellbeing by delivering information on educational pathways to future directions.
Lesson content includes;
- The World of Work
- Future Directions- subject selection, TVET, SBATS & University information
- Computer Skills - digital literacy
- Workplace literacy and numeracy
- Life education
- Resume' writing
- Workplace Health and Safety
- Skills and interests testing
- Work readiness
- Work place learning and experience
- Community service
Along with lessons, the Careers department offers a range of services, such as;
- Careers counselling
- Career pathway support
- Access to service providers and potential employers, for information on employment requirements
- Conducting careers excursions - EXPOS, Try a Skill and University visits
- Guest speakers, career workshops and school incursions
- Involvement in community programs
- Work experience organisation with local businesses and community partners
- Support of students undertaking School Based Traineeships and industry scholarships. These students have paid on-the-job experience and complete an industry related TAFE credential
- Organisation and support for the TVET programs. Year 11 and 12 students can attend TAFE and complete these courses as part of their Preliminary or HSC program. The TAFE competencies they gain may help them with either a future career or further TAFE training after the HSC.
- Transition support - JobQuest programs, Career Links programs and other Career Education programs.
From the lessons and programs available, students can learn and gain valuable skills along with building their portfolio which can be added to their resume'. The school encourages students to get qualified with regular White Card and Provide First Aid courses (see below for dates).
Students are welcome to drop in and make an appointment at any time. Parents are welcomed to contact Careers if they have questions or concerns.
Careers Adviser: Mrs Natalie Hilder Natalie.hilder@det.nsw.edu.au
All students completing White Card and Provide First Aid courses need their USI number.
Please visit www.usi.gov.au for more information.