Stage 5 is Years 9 and 10. Geography and History are mandatory in both 9 and 10. The HSIE/LOTE also offer Stage 5 electives. These include:
International Studies
Work Education
STAGE 5 GEOGRAPHY is mandatory is both Years 9 and 10
Students in Year 9 study Sustainable Biomes and Changing Places. Students complete one task per term which includes Geographic skills, project based learning and fieldwork.
Students in Year 10 study Human Wellbeing and Environment Management. Students complete one task per term which includes Geographic skills, project based learning and ICT research.
STAGE 5 HISTORY is mandatory in both Year 9 and 10
Students in Year 9 study The Industrial Revolution, Making of the Nation and Australia at War. Students complete one task per term which includes
Students in Year 10 study Rights and Freedoms, Popular Culture and a decade study. Students complete one task per term which includes
The study of Japanese provides access to the language and culture of one of the global community's most technologically advanced societies and economies. It also introduces students to an important part of the rich cultural tradition of East Asia.
Commerce provides the knowledge, skills, understanding and values that form the foundation on which young people make sound decisions on consumer, financial, business, legal and employment issues. It develops in students an understanding of commercial and legal processes and competencies for personal financial management.
International Studies provides students with an opportunity to explore and recognise their own cultures, and appreciate the richness of multicultural Australia and the world. As Australia is part of the Asia-Pacific region, the course lends itself to an emphasis on, but is not limited to, this region. They gain knowledge of dices, values, beliefs and heritages to form a broader world-view.
Work Education provides educational opportunities that prepare students for effective and responsible participation in their community. Students will develop employability, enterprise and pathways planning skills. Understanding and development of employability skills will assist students to achieve the flexibility required for the workplaces of today and of the future.